Cassidy Forbing


    Assistant Director

    Photo of

    Cassidy Forbing


    Assistant Director

    About Cassidy

    Howdy! My name is Cassidy Forbing and I am beyond excited to work, and not just study, at Ball State University! I obtained both my bachelor's and master's degrees in English at Ball State and have been in love with Muncie and its wider community ever since. From researching haunted houses spanning from Muncie, IN to Savannah, GA, to creating, running, and promoting a journal and conference, my experiences at Ball State have made me who I am today, and I hope to seek out other students who want the same positive life changes. Chirp, chirp!!

    Schedule a Visit

    Schedule a visit with Graduate Admissions below. Tours are on-campus onlywill begin at 9am Eastern Time, and will last between 1-3 hours, depending on what experiences you plan with us. If you do not see a time available that works for you, please register for an upcoming information session with your program of interest or contact us at to schedule an appointment.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled

    Connect with Cassidy

       +1 765-285-3670